Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Every year I work on my garden and every year i lose my time or motivation and end up actually getting very little done. this year has finally been different. i ordered tons of plants on line one night, which forced me to get things done or have wasted my money. i am so proud of my yard this year. altho i still haven't gotten as much done as I'd like to, things are coming along just great.
i put flower seeds, a "miniature mix", in my old bird bath. i was so surprised when they actually sprouted, and then of course even more surprised when now they are producing great little flowers. this purple one, above, is actually smaller than the end of a pencil.

see, it's right there in the middle. the bird bath looks great. i think next year i'd like to try some vine-y plants that trail down some, but i'm so happy with this mixture, that i just might repeat it.

and on the side of the house, just outside the gate, i planted echinacea and cosmos. the echinacea is not doing anything at all, which didn't surprise me, but the cosmos has begun to bloom. i actually didn't know what the flowers would look like because the seeds had been given to me, but i love the very delicate leaves and again, tiny flowers just waving in the breeze.

i think my flowers are surviving this heat better than i am. i had been spending most of the morning outside, but this week i'm out for a few minutes as early as i can get up and a few minutes in the evening to check on the plants and water. the heat will break soon and i'll be able to go visit all my new flower friends!

Monday, June 22, 2009

the Clematis!

I am having some problems learning how to put pictures in my posts, but i am learning and it is fun to share the colors in my world and the goings on around the house. Right now everything is very cluttered, with moving a whole house into this one without taking very much out. The garage sales are slowly moving a few things out, but right now every inch of space is taken by something and the only breathing space is outside.

Lucky for us, the outside offers some great colors and sights of it's own. My flowers are doing better this year. I'm glad I saved money on the smaller plants and am letting them grow up in my yard. I feel better about the whole garden thing this year. It's coming along slowly, but adding color to my world just fine. What a wonderful deep blue purple.

I have one clematis plant that wants to get tall and one that wants to flower. I am so excited. I have something to look forward to next year!!

Moving Day

It was moving week for Becca. without a car, there was little i could do to help but watch the kids for her. we had a great time

Antonio loves being the big brother and ruby pretty much tolerates being held by Antonio. it was very cute "I'll take her", as if he could do the pacing and feeding all by himself.
When Ruby Roo fell asleep, Antonio and i got out all the old fisher price toys and played cars. we took over the whole living room, building more and more places to play. vroommmmm!

We even had a big truck pile up. "look at the crash Grandma"

Antonio is so happy to be at Grandma's house with all the cars and toys again. what a great smile, but soon....

it was nap time for the little ones, and a break time for Grandma!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

the birthday outing

It was Phillip's birthday last week, and after having to cancel and reschedule twice, we finally headed out for our tradition of China Buffet and shopping at Hobby Lobby. We have done this for years, and it has become the standing "Phillp's birthday tradition", even tho the first year at China Buffet we both got food poisoning

Phillip picked me up at 1:30 and we headed out. The restaurant was just busy enough to keep the food fresh and i was so hopeful that neither of us would get sick this year. Everything was hot and looked great, tasted wonderful. We laughed when Phillip got a bite that was too hot and his eyes teared, and spent the lunch catching up on the goings on in each other's lives.

And then to continue our tradition we headed over to Hobby Lobby. This is the first year that neither of us were actually looking for anything, so it was fun to just amble thru the store to see what was on sale. I did find some rope lighting for my back yard and i decided on some polymer clay and a new how to book. On the way to the check out was my down fall. There they were

i had been looking for a rose tea pot for months. my sister sent me a miniature one once and i wanted a full size one. i saw one at boston store, and then again a different one a pier one imports, but no money at the right time. when i had the money, they were both gone and i was so sad.

so there on the shelf i saw some wonderful flower shape tea cups. no saucers, but i still liked them a lot. Phillip has a great idea for a tea shop that we keep wishing we could open and we were saying how fun these cups would be to serve tea out of. and then i went to the other side of the display.

and i found this whole set. i had to restrain myself, only buying a few pieces. i didn't get the sugar and creamers, or the serving platters, but i just had to have this dessert plate. so very happy that they were on sale and all these pieces got to come home with me. at 50% off, i was very lucky. teapot, cup, saucer and dessert plate now have a new home on my shelf with the rest of my ever growing collection.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the sun is up

the sun is up, and so am i. actually, i have been awake for hours, and finally i decided to get on the computer and try to make myself tired enough to actually sleep.
altho to tell the truth, i'm sort of enjoying watching the sun come up. my computer sits by a second floor window and there is a tree right in front of the window. thru the tree, behind the house across the street, the sky is turning a wonderful red. over the porch roof, to the ground below, the very white daisies are dancing in the wind.
and there goes the street sweeper, around the corner and down the block. noisy rite of spring.

last night i took sara and her kids to chrissy's bridging ceremony. she is now officially a brownie, and so proud. i can't beleive i forgot my camera, but there it is, sitting on my desk, emptied and ready to go. we'll have to get a picture of chrissy in her new brownie sash later and learn how to put it in here.

in between dropping becca off at work and picking up sara and the kids, i stopped at borders for a cup of tea and to browse the store. i found a new exercise video i can't wait to try out -- fusion belly dance. it looks great. yay, something new to motivate me.

and now back to bed to try to catch a few hours of sleep.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

time to start writing

i've been promising myself that i'd get back to writing for a long time. for years as a matter of fact. i read blogs that belong to people i know, and it is about time i stop putting things off and get started. this is going to be a learn as i go process, i can see that already. i have no idea how to do anything here!