Tuesday, December 1, 2009


i was reading my newest copy of tathaastu magazine (what a great magazine. if you have not found it yet, you should check it out)
there is an article on synchronicity and the power of intention. good things happen because of the energy that we create around us.
as i am making clothes for 9 grandchildren this christmas, i have been feeling very lucky that i have stored so much fabric and i have most of what i need right at hand.
today i'm making american girl doll clothes and i even have some old fashioned baby rick rack to decorate the clothes with. i am very happy. i have to buy very little
i also have a huge yarn stash, and so the birthday sweaters i made for each child are often out of yarn that i already have and i have to buy only a few bits here and there to make things work out right.
and then my friend sherri (lazyquilter.blogspot.com) had a contest that i found out about on the last day it was open. i quick found her blog and then the password to my blog and poof, i won the contest. i couldn't be happier or feel more lucky right now
focus on the good things. it really does help alot.
i'm working at noticing the little things that have happened like that. synchodestiny the magazine calls it. keep it going!