I am finishing putting away the snowflakes that I use to decorate the house in January, and honestly I am so ready to put away the hearts and red for February. March green is not something that I do at all, so I am looking forward to bringing in some butterflies and jewel colors before the spring hits.
Most of my decorations are still in storage, something I hope to remedy this summer when I get to go back to Madison for a while.
Right now I am back into my decluttering mode, getting things listed for sale and accessing the things that I really do want to keep.
Selena and I have been trying to go through my amazing piles of pictures, dividing them into piles. I've put away several for each of my kids, adding some to a new photo album that I have, and actually throwing away some that I have no idea why we kept...
I'm working harder on organization, putting everything together with like items and adding to the great garage sale pile. I hope that warmth comes early this year so that I can get some garage sales in before I want to travel this summer.
The dark of winter has always been study time for me, and I feel like I have missed most of my study time already. Back to classes today, listening to pod casts on starting a business, creating the cash flow statement, building a website that google likes. It is only one of the classes that I want to do, but I think that it is the most important right now.