Sunday, January 9, 2011

the reality is

and so the catching up did not so much happen. i ended up borrowing the money to buy a few more items so that i could cut back on my sewing. it just got to be too much, too little and too late.
with the plumbing problems weighing heavy on my mind, i became exhausted with little motivation

and unfortunately, that has held true even now, weeks later. i still don't have the christmas boxes ready for either jeremy or megan's family... and i'm feeling really sad about that. i need to create the motivation from somewhere and get things done, and Marked Off My List.

so, life is. we all do the best we can do, i am sure of that. after getting a new Wii for christmas, and the turning of the year, my interest in getting stronger and getting things done is being renewed and that has to be good news.

i am rewriting my plan for the day and setting goals that include making things to put away for christmas and for saving money, as well as getting the house in order, with the thought of putting it on the market by March of 2012

this feels good!

now i need to think about the fact that a seem to still be fighting my diagnosis, and instead of living with in my limits, i am compelled to push those lines. i am doing way too much, as evidanced by the inablilty to do anything the "next" day, for three days now. yesterday when i exercised, my muscles shook just too much, and today simply moving the cat litter box and putting away groceries left me shaky/weak and headachy exhausted.

set resonable goals. get well and stay well. eat better. exercise every day. use start making choices.... it seems to be the only website left that tracks menu, exercise and well being.

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