Saturday, January 15, 2011

time to set goals and move forward

i lay awake, tossing and turning, so many thoughts going through my mind. finally i get up and sit down in front of the computer... and all of the thoughts just float away, refusing to allow themselves a voice.
and so after writing one set of messages that were very hard to write, and after checking in on facebook....twice... i sit here, hoping that forcing myself to write will make me tired enough and empty enough to sleep
my eyes are burning from allergies as my ozzie girl sleeps on my lap. i've taken sinus medicine, not feeling much relief at the moment
i'm watching tv. rachel ray's vacation on san juan island in washington state. it looks like a good place to go. might be fun. i'd love to have the money to take real vacations
money. seems to me the main problem in just about everyone's life. ther is just not enough money to go around.
and so one of my goals for the new year. i earned more this year than last year, and next year will be even better. much better. at least 4 times what i did this year. ten times more is actually closer to a helpful amount.
i am working on the paperwork to finish out the last year. in spite of best intentions, i never keep up with what i have set out to do, and so i am trying to make up for months of neglect in just a few hours. my sewing paper work is almost done, i just need to create one more invoice. the ebay paper work is also almost done, with just a few entries that need information. avon is next and then the house paperwork... and setting up some goals for the new year.
i've started some classes, one of which is personal finance, and so i am thinking again about creating goals.... short term, middle and long term goals
this is something that i have taught in homeschooling and in the classes i used to teach. life skills. not really something i did myself in spite of the fact that i know it is important
so i step forward into the next year in front of me, even more alone than i was the last year, and yet not allowing lonliness to be one of the emotions that i hold on to. move through the day and keep busy. set goals and work toward them, in every part of my life. that is going to take a lot of thought, but it is something that is important to me.
now that i am staring at an infomercial, i think i need to shut down and try to sleep once again

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