Monday, June 4, 2012

I didn't really think that the depression could get much deeper, but today the tears flowed so easily.  I stayed up much too late last night and I had little time to think about the things that had been said before I went to sleep

And I felt no reason to get out of bed this morning.  Yesterday was so disappointing, I didn't feel I could face another day of chaos.  Dangling participles.  Unfinished sentences.  Diasters brewing.

And so I painted.  Flowers on a little girls dress.  Butterflies and dragonflies.  Rather pleased with the results

I pretended to nap in order to avoid conversation.  I cancelled appointments and social obligations.

I watched TV and crocheted and left myself to my own little world until Becca plied me into conversation with the offer of a Seagram's.  Even that only lasted a few minutes.  I have little need for this right now

I'll be tired tomorrow.  I know I have to do the laundramat.  The post office.  The bank.  Just another manic Monday

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