When it became clear that leaving WI was getting to by my only option, we all hoped that in doing so I would change enough of my environment to regain my health and break away from what ever it is that steals my energy and stops me from making a living for myself.
My first month here I did pretty good. The unpacking took much longer than I had planned for and I lost a whole month of sewing. I did really well on the organizing and only lost a few work days, although the work was different than I had hoped. I did have a few sales and some other monies coming in, which kept me going nicely. I felt good about being able to get a few household items that I had been missing and spent time getting everything into place.
But now here we are into the third week of the second month and I've already had to take down days. There are still boxes in my kitchen, dining room/office and living room. The last of the furniture has been brought in, and so as soon as I can make some space in the basement I can get the boxes out of my bedroom. I want to look for a new bed, but replacing the living room furniture is high on my list right now.
This is the second week end in a row that I've not been able to get anything done. I've no energy at all, and have spent a good part of the week end down, going off to nap or just watching tv. No work has been done at all and today it is hard to even get out of bed for two hours in a row.
I am truly sorry that I made this decision but it seemed to be the only option left and as time has turned, I see that I was right. My heart aches for my family and my home but that is only part of my past now and creating a new future alone is much more difficult than I had imagined it would be. I just want to turn the clock back.
My two hours is more than up and I need to go lay down again. I hope this attack of symptoms does not last long. I really need to be able to work.
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