Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day Two


Sleep last night came easy, my body much too tired to fight. I was up early enough, just an extra hour of sleep to begin to make up for the many, many hours that were lost. Saturday it was time to get back to work again, but this time I had a sewing order to finish. Cutting fabric with little space and sewing on a machine that I was unfamiliar with, I began to work through my pile, moving the each one done from one side of the small table to the other, I worked in this way until my headache took over, and I decided to nap the rest of the afternoon. What I thought would be a nice hour nap turned into sleeping most of the afternoon. I tried to go back to my sewing, but I ended up just putting things away for the day and checking in online. I had to count and make sure I would be able to finish the next day, and not leave too many to get done. I had a sandwich for dinner and read for a while, before calling a rather early night and trying to regain some of my energy.

The strangness of the situation is beginning to set in. I feel out of place and off center. I've grown used to traveling, being able to do so more and more over the last few years, but this, of course, is not a trip. This is life on hold, waiting for the next steps. Not really a new chapter. This time life is about writing a new book. I wonder what this book will be about.

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