Friday, April 12, 2013


It is hard to believe that I have only been here a week. I got to talk to Antonio and Ruby last night, both of them begging me to come back. Tears on both end of that phone call, and a renewed determination to clean up my credit and go home. This just isn't the right place for me. I need to figure this out.

I started in the office area today and got some laundry going at the same time. I am not quite as tired as I was, but a few trips up and down the stairs took care of that quickly. My leg muscles are hating me and the basement is becoming a little more full than I thought it would.

My main desk on the first floor is almost done. Files are put away and I'm beginning to sort the boxes, getting ready to set up a second desk in the basement for a wrapping station, where I can have everything right at hand for shipping orders. I just need the orders to start coming in.

Wacho continues to mark his territory and the whole house smells just horrible and my anger rises every time I find another spot that he has gotten. A spray bottle of vinegar and some clorox wipes is helping part of the problem but now that the smell is on everything, I can't find a specific spot to clean up.

I'm already tired enough to sleep, and maybe a nap will be in order today. I've gotten a couple of boxes sorted, although I'm not doing so good at getting them empty today. Several have been moved downstairs, that is going to be a whole new project.... resorting all of those boxes into garage sale, toy, wrapping station, art room, bed room and storage.

The internet geek only has another half hour before he is out of his time slot for the repair he is suppose to make to my internet, I really need to be on line. I have other areas that I would rather be working, but I have to stay where I can hear the knock on the door.

I feel a lot more like I need a vacation than anything right now. Maybe when the sun comes out again I'll feel better. I'm not sure.

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