Thursday, April 25, 2013

Three Weeks

The mongo boxes are finally beginning to go away.  I emptied two more today, instead of the sewing that I wanted to do.  I had planned on working on a wall hanging, but then I hit upon a plan to get more of my supplies sorted and organized.  I thought it would take just a few minutes, half an hour or so, but then I really got into the sorting and organizing and I spent a good part of the afternoon getting everything in a place. 

Then I thought I would sit and crochet the rest of the afternoon, but instead I ended up unpacking and sorting more things, sending the towels and blankets downstairs to be stored and setting up the rest of the art bins to move down stairs.  The living room looks better, but now I need to work on the other rooms again. 

Instead of putting off until April as I had planned, I got back to my Etsy and Ebay as well.  I need to make sure that I know where everything is that I have listed, and so I did a physical inventory and then brought both listings up to date.  I got several things listed on Ebay and I'm working on creating a better space for storing the listed books and such so that I know where they are all the time.  All my soft goods are taken care of, but it's harder with putting books in the bins because of how heavy they get.

Today I started a new yoga routine and went for a walk this afternoon.  My muscles always hurt and I think that I need to be working out more, to work the stiffness out from sitting all the time.  I wish I had more tolerance for the weather, but I really don't like being outside and uncomfortable.  I only made a short walk because it was colder out than I thought it would be. 

Too much sitting, and too much lifting and sorting.  I would love to wake up pain free one day, or even turn over in the middle of the night and not cringe from the pain.  It is with me every moment of every day, and colors every activity I engage in. 
Still my goal is to live this life fully engaged, finishing all that I have started. 

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