Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On to a new week

Although I got here on Thursday, the first week end here was such a blur that I've already started counting my weeks by Sunday, and so the beginning of my second week, Sunday, I slept late and did nothing most of the day.  I haven't unpacked all of the sewing/knitting supplies yet, and so I couldn't find a needle to sew my dragon sweater together, but not to waste time, I worked on a shawl that I started in the fall.  It is a set of four squares, and I am more than halfway done with the third square.  One more week end on it and that project should be done and I'll have another one marked off. 

Finishing.  One of the words that I chose to work on this year.  Engaged and Finishing.  Both are very difficult for me.  I am more of a hermit and a starter.  Choosing two difficult attributes might be a little much for me, but this is the year of the biggest changes and so it might be a good idea to push the edge.  Go further out.  If you are not living life on the edge, you are taking up too much room.

And so after my day out yesterday, I got started right away this morning.  I guess that sometimes when a project seems overwhelming, walking away from it is the right thing to do, as long as you also go back and work on it soon.  This morning I set my timer for only 30 minutes, and started moving and sorting boxes.  It didn't take long at all to get the space I need to lay down the plywood and rugs.  I've got two spaces set up, almost finished, ready for the end of the unpacking of the boxes and supplies that go in each space. 

Its easier to take the boxes downstairs now that there is room to put them, and as long as there is no basement flooding, I'll be in good shape to just stack the boxes until the rooms are ready to unpack. 

Moving on to the sewing room this afternoon and see if I can find more of the things that I need, moving bins around to make room for shelves, unpacking the big boxes that are still in my living room, finding more space where there is none.  Think vertical.  It will help.  I know I can do this.  Organizing is usually fun for me and I need to just put on my music and get moving.

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