Sunday, March 25, 2012

It should only be another week....

..... before the sitting room is rearranged for summer.  I am liking how it is turning out but I decided late tonight that I don't like where I put the big dresser, so I am hoping that tomorrow I can slide it across the room and that I  can get this room finished and start on the blue room and whatever I can do with the sewing room.  This will be the last week of the second floor work, selling what I can and moving on to the rest of the house, returning once more to the first floor and the basement.
Ah yes the dreaded basment.  It just has to be done and the soon the better.  I keep putting it off because of the sheer mass of "junk" and who knows what I am going to want or need when I move
Of course that does become the question of IF  move pretty quickly as I look at prices of house in the area, as well as prices of apartments. 
I know that I can get used to any place that I need to live, but I do have some "rathers"... and they just don't seem to be possible right now

My yard has chosen this year to be at it's best so far, all the differnt bulbs are popping through the ground and doing a great job of showing their glory.  My crocus and daffidils are doing great, both in the front and in the bricks.  The hyacith is looking like it will open soon and the tulips are getting stronger every day.  Even my poor scrawny climatis is trying to bud and bloom.  It is so exciting to watch mother earth embrace the spring and welcome us back out doors.  Even the last of the China Rose has some wonderful buds on it and looks like it may want to open this year. 

With the neighborhood garage sale coming up, and craiglist doing great, maybe i'll have enough money for paint for the inside at least, and I can get the house looking spiffy.

Going to the concert, while was a great gift and an amazing evening, made me realize how fragile I am getting and how scary it is to be out in crowds.  I spent most of Friday in bed to make up for my huge night out, and of course over did today to make up for the guilt. 

With the renewed  promise of routines, full routines being in the future, I know that I will have to cut down on some social obligations to fill my routines and get back to where I want to be.  This dedication and motivation seems to be something  I have lost, most days wondering if there is any use at all

My facebook friend said it best when she said "fibro is such a can of worms".  With bad news from the eye doctor and more symptoms rearing their ugly heads, I'm going to have to be making some health decisions soon.  I don't feel a lot of need to socialize anymore, knowing how taxing it can be.

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