Monday, December 5, 2011

Almost Alive

Today is the first day in several weeks that I have actually felt like doing something when I got out of bed. It is so exciting, because the list of things that need to be done is of course ever growing and I am so ready to get started on it>
A shopping trip this morning should take care of the energy for the rest of the day, but I have my knitting and my classes to keep me seated and comfortable. At least I will not be bored, if restless. That's okay. From where I was, this is such an improvement.
I've finished my antibiotics and today is the first day I didn't have to rush to the neb machine for a breathing treatment before I could go feed my cats. It is such an amazing change that I have to hold myself back from being too excited.
Becca and I are going to start some of the shopping. If I can do just one family a week, I'll be fine. It will be a small Christmas from me, but that is what it is. This year is the last year that it will be this bad and I can feel corners being turned every where.
More planning. More finishing. More ideas. Just more. Period

Donald Welch died yesterday. My children and that family are deeply inpacted by a long awaited, and yet painful death. Grief is difficult. Works do not come easily. My heart goes out to each and every one of them, in different ways. One of my favorite mentors has lost her husband. They had a very long life together and I am sure she is feeling lost and over whelmed as she must face the rest of her life without him.

I'd like to get myself a car, in part so that I can be of some help to her if she should like that to happen. I know that driving has become increasingly difficult for her, and it is time for some one who has the time to attend to her needs, after these many many years of attending to her husband and her family.

Setting my "get well" schedule is going to be just a slight step up from my "sick" schedule, allowing just a bit of sewing time. Maybe two sets of an hour each. I am looking forward to things returning to something close to normal, and by the first of the year, I plan again to start game nights and social gatherings.

I am so thrilled to simply be alive!

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