Friday, December 2, 2011

Back To Healing

The cold didn't get worse, but it certainly did affect my lungs. I ended up in the hospital at 3 in the morning, not a good night at all. By the time Becca got me there, I couldn't get a breath at all, let alone be able to talk about what was going on.
I was soon surrounded by doctors and nurses, resperitory therapy was in, EKG, heart monitor, blood draws, medication via IV, more breathing treatments, and by then it was clear that they were keeping me at least for a while.
I was moved to ICU at 5 in the morning, with more breathing treatments and more medication. Because i was the only "alert" patient on the floor, my nurse loved me and I was comfortable sending Becca home to get some rest and pick up a few things for me
By 4:00 that afternoon I was released to a regular floor where I spent the rest of the day and night, breathing getting easier all the time. It was a very scary time and I certainly recgonize that it is not over yet, but the end to this one is in sight and I think I am getting stronger.
I didn't feel that was yesterday, but after going 12 hours without a breathing treatment over night, I feel hopeful today that this won't last much longer
I came home with some many instructions and new meds, that I wrote everything on my bathroom mirror with a glass crayon. It is working really well to remind me what I have taken and what I have skipped.
I feel a little stronger today, but no more "awake" than I have been. The antibiotics must be clearing the broncitis, but everything else is achy and oh the pain when I cough.
Plan for the day: turn on my podcasts that I don't get to listen to very often and finish Liam's sweater. That will be good for me, I'm sure. I'm getting anxious to move on and start some new things, but right now I must stick to the plan for finishing and getting things done that have real due dates.
Every time I get sick, and most especially when I get this sick, I wonder if I will ever be close to 100% again and I feel like I should have followed thru and filed for y SSI. I know it is not too late to do this, but I really need to put some thought into what I want and need to be doing. This life, the way I am running it, is not working very well. There need to be some changes made, and of course, the sooner the better
Now that I am having to take so much time off to be sick, my Christmas sewing is going to have to be pushed even further to the back burner, and perhaps not be done at all this year. That would be sad, but a good inventory of the gift closest will help make that decision, and then by the time I have some money, I'll be able to make that decision for sure. There are a few small things that I should be able to make and if I work at knitting instead of sewing, perhaps all will be fine


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