Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Some decisions are easy to reach, even for those of us that have a very hard time with decision making. Some, on the other hand, just take forever to make and then are filled with doubt and regret.

Yesterday was like that. There were several things that came up at different times during the day that were very uncomfortable and I certainly was not ready to face them.

For the most part, I am propped up in bed, or on the couch, with a basket of knitting, a book and my laptop for company. I'm really not good at being sick or inactive, but it is needed right now. I can wander downstairs for some food or I can get someone to bring me something. I did do a couple of loads of laundry and more a couple small baskets to begin getting ready for the Christmas wrap and pack.

My lungs are doing so much better (go take your steriod right now), but from sitting so much, my back is beginning to hurt alot. My shoulders ache and the back of my neck. These are such small prices to pay, when I remember how those nurses and doctors rushed around me, trying to get me stable and .... stay alive.

Life is fragile. Treat it with respect. Treat those around you with respect. It may be at some point that you can't take back what you had said in haste. Those quickly spoken words often destroy a relationship beyond repair. I feel lucky to be able to be surrounded by people who love me, and who I love

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