Friday, December 16, 2011


..... I have my after hospital re-check. I guess I'll have a good list of questions to be asking, although I already know the answers to most of them. There simply are no answers.

I've had to cut way back on what I do during the day since I got sick, and because I was gone before that, I am just so anxious to get back into full routines and back to work. The lack of things to do and the lack of money is really getting to me. I'll be so glad to be able to start adding back, one thing at a time.

I did get to sew yesterday, for almost an hour. Only one nap yesterday, but then I had to go to bed early. I feel trapped inside this body during these fibro crisis days, and restless for something to do. I have plenty of quiet activities, but of course a nice long day out is what I am longing for.

I'll see what the doctor says today. Maybe finally she'll let me try one of the other drugs and see if we can get more of my symptoms under control. Until then, happy knitting!

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