Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today the day that we say our final good byes to Donald Welch. He, and therefore his family, have suffered for many years through strokes and many medical complications. Cancer was the final straw and he is no longer in pain.

I think this makes me even more mindful of how fragile life is. To be trapped inside a body that no longer allows you to do the things you used to do. To be trapped inside a mind that is no longer healthy. Those of us that are able to tend to our own chores, self care, exercise, we are the lucky ones no matter how we feel about that particular part of our day.

My sleep schedule has changed quite a bit and I'm not really enjoying the change at all. I rather enjoy my long mornings in bed, and although I have a very busy day, I'd rather still be in the comfort of the warm flannel sheets. Instead I am starting my day, feeding cats, sorting papers and starting back to my exercise routines. It won't be long, maybe three more weeks, and I'll be able to start pushing again to see how much health I can regain. In the meantime, I am counting my blessings.

That, and a nice warm shower to wash away the last of the fuzzy brain.

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