Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The day after….

Yesterday went pretty well.  I felt okay getting the bus uptown for Sara’s court.  I gave myself plenty of time to rest before we had to walk the rest of the way to the court house, and the same thing on the way home. 

My downfall, of course, was adding an afternoon shopping trip to the day and not taking a nap.  That was a mistake that I am paying for today.  Now I am so tired that I feel like it is difficult to breathe.  My head is aching and I just want to sleep.  I know that if I lay down, sleep doesn’t come, and I feel no better when I get up.

So I need to plan this day more carefully.  I have some errands that have to be done and a few that I can put off for a little while.   I am hoping that when Becca gets up, she’ll be able to take me to the store and I can get at least that much done. 

Still thinking about moving to New York and taking that job there.  It certainly is not what I want to do, and I can see that in doing that, I’ll just create another issue to deal with, but I am not finding work here and I’m running out of time, putting people off and rotating who gets paid this month, who has to wait. 

Christmas shopping as been difficult with such a small budget.  I am so lucky that I put so much away last year, I really didn’t have all that much to do this year.  All the same, here it is, just a few days before Christmas and I still have a list to deal with.

Waiting for test results is a little bit like waiting for oil paint to dry.  You know full well that it doesn’t dry as fast as acrylic, but still you have to test it every little while just to see, and yup, it’s still not what you need it to be. 

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so glad to see a year end.  I do think I’ve said that every year for the last 10 or so. 

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