Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost fall

The summer seemed to go by so fast, with all the sewing and all the heat. It seems like I have only enough energy to do the things that have to be done, and not at all the things that I'd like to get done.

And so with more furniture moving, more de-cluttering and more organizing, both the sewing room and bedroom have new settings, and I now have an upstairs sitting room for myself. It has been really nice to get away from the chaos of raising little ones, and just concentrate on my "world"..... sewing and trying to get healthy again.

I've been sick ever since the week end we decided to move the rooms around. First it was just a "fibro crisis".... that horrible lack of energy, and then pnemonia moved in and just doesn't seem to want to leave.

This is the first week that I am feeling better. Today was a good day again, and I'm so excited to see some actual progress on some projects that had been put on the back burner.

Megan is in Japan now, sending pictures when she can. The beginning of a long three years. I'm so excited for her. Life is good. I've got a great family